EDI Lexicon
EDI Standards
For business partners to be able to exchange EDI messages, they must correspond by a previously known structure. There are different structures for EDI messages worldwide. Some standards are listed here.
EDI Messages
Below is a table with the selection of the most common EDI message types for various EDI standards.
Communication protocols
In order to be able to transmit EDI messages between business partners, it is necessary to transport the data from the sender to the recipient. There are a variety of communication protocols. The most common protocols are listed here.
EDIFACT | ODETTE | VDA | ANSI X.12 | SAP | Geschäftsvorfall | Business Case |
DELFOR | DELINS | VDA4905 | 830 | DELFOR | Lieferabruf | Delivery Forecast |
INVOIC | INVOIC | VDA4906 | 810 | INVOIC | Rechnung | Invoice |
REMADV | REMADV | VDA4907 | 820 | PEXR2001 | Zahlungsavisa | Remmitance Advice |
CREADV | DCREDIT | VDA4908 | ORDCHG | GSVERF | Gutschrift | Credit Advice |
DESADV | AVIEXP | VDA4913 | 856 | DESADV | Lieferschein | Lieferschein |
INVRPT | STOACT | VDA4913-EDL | 846 | DELVRY | Lagerbestandsmeldung | Inventory Report |
RECADV | STOACT | VDA4913-EDL | 846 | DELVRY | Wareneingangmeldung | Receiving Advice |
SLSRPT | STOACT | VDA4913-EDL | 846 | DELVRY | Warenausgangsmeldung | Sales Report |
ORDERS | ORDERR | VDA4915 | 850 | ORDERS | Bestellung | Purchase Order |
ORDCHG | 850 | ORDERS | Bestelländerug | Order Change | ||
ORDRSP | ORDRSP | 850 | ORDERS | Bestellbestätigung | Orders Response | |
DELJIT | DELINS | DELINS | 862 | DELFOR | Feinabruf | Daily Call-Off |
DELJIT | SYNCRO | VDA4916 | 866 | SEQJIT | JIT (produktionssynchron) | Delivery Just in Time |
DELJIT | CALDEL | VDA4916 | 866 | SEQJIT | Direktabruf (produktionssynchron) | Direct Call-Off |
IFTMIN | TRINAD | VDA4920 | 858 | DESADV | Speditionsauftrag | Instruction for Transport |
VDA4912 | Warenbegleitschein | Shiping List |